I have started serious concerns for this blog and I would be providing real good stuff to you people in coming time.
    Today I will be telling you how to download any video on internet. You must have seen a lot of softwares that work for a individual site like youtubedownloader and much more, also you must have seen various websites which provide corner for downloading streaming videos from some big sites like youtube, metacafe , veoh etc.
    But these are not the permanent source for downloading any video on the net.
    I have one solution which can really help you. I have been using ORBIT which is really cool software which grabs links and prepare the index for you.
    For downloading video from howstuffworks i.e.

    How Fuel Cells Work

    having url:http://videos.howstuffworks.com/howstuffworks/4847-how-fuel-cells-work-video.htm
    just start playing video and open grab++

    now you will have window :

    and then:

    Finally you have downloaded the video and just play with any media player, Enjoy :)

    Link for ORBIT:
    I hope this you must have liked this post. So if you like please give responses, your responses will prompt me to publish such more posts. Sorry for poor english :(


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